Casa do Mel will now start operations

The honey project stands and falls with the honey market. The better the market, the more locals will leave the destructive cattle breeding and enter the honey business.

This trend has already occurred in Urucara and in Boavista dos Ramos.

Amazomel was founded two years ago as a honey processing and marketing company. In addition to honey, it will market other bee products such as propolis, pollen and wax. It can also trade in bee colonies and offer services and courses related to beekeeping.

For this purpose, the NTFP Foundation has built a honey processing plant for the Amazomel. Casa do Mel is located about 40 -min. from the port of Manaus on the opposite side of the river in Iranduba, which is freely accessible via an impressive bridge. After almost three years, this November we have obtained the necessary commercial license, which allows us national and international market access.

Casa do Mel will now start operations at the beginning of 2023. Christoph Widmer, a Swiss environmental engineer with experience in trading tropical products, will support us. He will be on site to help set up the trade.

The heart of Casa do Mel is the honey drying system, which we developed ourselves. Thanks to the support of Prof. Daniel Gstöhl, who teaches thermo-physics at the University East in Buchs, the efficiency of the plant could be increased with the help of two diploma students.

The Casa do Mel (left reception, center bottling plant, right depot, laboratory and checkrooms). In addition to the parking lot, completion also included a fence with gate as well as a well shaft and fiber-optic Internet connection.

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